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myTeamRadar is the tracker for workplace risk

Next-generation visualisation analytics to find & resolve hidden risk & governance problems in the workplace

Start tracking how well people are working together, manage risk

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myTeamRadar is
the tracker for workplace risk

How well people work together is fundamental to workplace success but it's not being measured.  And so it isn't being managed, and this leads to poor governance and increased risks often going unnoticed until it's too late.

myTeamRadar uniquely combines objective analysis and visualisation of collaborative working with the motivational stimuli of a fitness tracker to enable operations and risk management leaders to find, intercept and resolve pockets of hidden governance and risk problems. 


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to improve

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Track how well people are working together, manage risk
with myTeamRadar

REVEAL the warning signs of hidden problems

Visualise a heat map of where the pockets of struggling and risky groups lie

Benchmark collaborative working both internally and against global norms

Track trend patterns for early warning of emerging problems

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DIAGNOSE where & why collaborative working is going wrong

Look inside a group to see what's really happening on the ground

Understand where their collaborative working is being compromised and why

Predict the risks resulting from that group's collaborative working profile

RESOLVE a group's governance & risk problems

Take action as senior leaders to support improvement in the group

Equip the group's leaders with the tools to know what to change to improve their collaborative working and how to change it

Empower the individuals on the ground with the tools and permissions to improve their collaboration


Some examples of what's been achieved with myTeamRadar

11% improvement in collaborative working

reduction in
staff turnover


10% improvement in collaborative working


increase in

16% improvement in collaborative working


increase in

21% improvement in collaborative working


reduction in
lost time accidents
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How well are your people really working together?

What risks are they really running?

Book a myTeamRadar demo today and take a first step towards low-risk collaborative working

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© 2023 Quintillion Team Technologies Ltd

85 Great Portland Street, First Floor, London W1W 7LT, United Kingdom

Registered in England & Wales, company registration no: 13284208

A member of the Quintillion Group of companies

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